Aaron Smith

Licensed Massage Therapist

Aaron forms a well rounded approach to therapeutic massage by integrating deep tissue, myofascial release, and neuromuscular therapy into a cohesive treatment plan. Additionally, he offers a unique style of movement within massage through drawing  influence from previous peers and mentors that reflect aspects of Lomi Lomi and Shiatsu (particularly in regards to working along meridians). He aims to provide a service that is both focused on outcome while also relaxing in the moment.

Aaron moved to Portland 10 years ago from the lower Rio Grande Valley in South Texas for a fine arts degree from PNCA. Movement and bodily consciousness soon became an integral part of his exploration in everything from his painting practice to hobbies in downhill longboarding, mountain biking and climbing.  This combined with a love of helping people brought Aaron to pursue massage therapy as a career.  Aaron graduated from East West College of The Healing arts in 2019, and has been loving working in the field ever since.  He views massage as a movement-art in the sense that the practitioner is utilizing a movement practice that interacts with a client’s neuromuscular system to help their body adjust its structural anatomy.