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Build a Better Morning Routine

If the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning is check your phone it might be time to make a change. In the process of waking up, our brain transitions from sleep brainwaves — called delta waves —to theta waves. Theta brainwaves are when the brain is more flexible and malleable, and plays a part in emotional intelligence, creativity, and problem solving. By scrolling through emails, checking social media and the news, you send your brain straight into beta brainwaves, used for active, busy (some might say anxious) thinking, and intense concentration. It’s a little like being rudely awakened before your alarm went off, except in this case you’re doing it to yourself.

Checking your phone when you first wake up means your day is starting, from the very first moments, with notifications that kick off an seemingly endless to-do list (and might even make you feel like you’re already behind), and news media that likely inspires emotions like worry and irritation. Talk about waking up on the wrong side of the bed!

Allowing your brain to more naturally transition from sleep to waking, going through the brainwave stages in sequence will help you feel ultimately more awake and prepared for your day, and more grounded and focused throughout the day.

So, if you’re not looking at your phone in the morning what should we do instead? Here’s a few ideas: